Jeff Sounalath is a highly credentialed Mental Health Therapist based in Austin, Texas. Holding advanced degrees and certifications—MS, LPC, LCDC, and NCC—Jeff has developed a strong foothold in the realms of integrated behavioral healthcare, addiction treatment, and multicultural counseling. His approach marries evidence-based practice with culturally-sensitive therapy, creating an impactful and transformative experience for his clients. Beyond his professional sphere, Jeff is an active participant in Austin's vibrant community, enjoying paddle boarding, dining, and the city’s nightlife. An avid traveler and family man, he believes in maintaining a holistic lifestyle for personal growth and positive change.
Jeff Sounalath is an Austin-based Mental Health Therapist specializing in integrated behavioral healthcare, addictions, and multicultural counseling.
Jeff Sounalath is an Austin-based Mental Health Therapist specializing in integrated behavioral healthcare, addictions, and multicultural counseling. is committed to delivering accurate, trustworthy information to help individuals navigate the complexities of ADHD. Our editorial team rigorously reviews all content to meet the highest standards of quality, responsibility, and reliability. We enforce strict guidelines for our contributors to maintain an open, empathetic, and inclusive tone that respects individuals at all stages of their mental health journey. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
Our content adheres to the following principles:
Highly Researched: relies solely on reputable sources for statistics and research, such as medical associations, peer-reviewed journals, and primary data. Every article cites a minimum of two credible sources.
By adhering to rigorous fact-checking, relevance, and helpfulness standards, upholds the principles of integrity, inclusivity, and reader benefit. This makes us a reliable source for ADHD information at every stage of the journey.